This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison.

Gene Information

Following information retrieved from National Center for Biotechnology Information
Homo sapiens chromosome 2, GRCh37 primary reference assembly

Gene name: BMPR2
Accession number: NC_000002.11
Gene is located in Chromosome 2 (2q33-q34)
Base pairs: 191425b 
FASTA form of this gene can be found here
Homo sapiens bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type II (serine/threonine kinase) (BMPR2), mRNA
Predicted mRNA from the gene sequence of BMPR2
Accession number: NM_001204
FASTA form of this mRNA can be found here

* I couldn't find mRNA isoforms. Therefore, I used predicted mRNA based on the full length of DNA sequence that was obtained from above.

Gene Homology

Gene motif

Gene ontology


Website: Ah Ram Kim
Email: [email protected]
Last Updated 05/14/2010